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9 November 2020 - 10 November 2020
Swiss Space Days 2020

Swiss Space Days 2020 - Virtual

Space evolution and challenges in the next decade

! This event is dedicated to Swiss organisations !

In view of the situation evolving around Covid-19, the conference will be a virtual event offering:

  1. Remote presentations: login will be sent to the participants by email. The agenda might be subject to minor changes.
  2.  Face-2-Face meeting sessions: all participants can book online meetings via the platform or use any other means of communication

The Swiss Space Days offer a platform to exchange experiences and to support cooperation. This is a great opportunity to listen to prominent speakers involving ESA directors, representatives of Swiss companies and of the Large European System Integrators. A high level panel is closing the morning session of the first day.

In the afternoon of the first Day, a session will cater to the needs of companies and a parallel session will address the interests of the scientific community.  

The second day is dedicated to space applications and downstream services using Earth Observation, Telecom and/or Navigation data. A panel with representatives of institutional programmes and of user companies will conclude the Swiss Space Days before the buffet lunch break.

You can optimise your attendance by using this platform in order to book your B2B meetings with other participants, including the speakers, at your convenience.

Registration: the registration is open until November 2, and is mandatory in order to participate to this event. Participation is free of charge.

The Swiss Space Office is organising this event with the collaboration of the Swiss Space Center.

Closed since 4 November 2020
Location Online, Switzerland
Organised by
Participants 120
Meetings 116
Switzerland 188
France 12
Netherlands 12
Germany 7
Spain 3
Italy 2
Austria 2
Belgium 2
United Kingdom 2
Finland 1
Brazil 1
Croatia 1
Ukraine 1
Latvia 1
Czech Republic 1
Total 236
Company 98
University 55
Authority/Government 30
Association/Agency 26
Other 14
R&D Institution 13
Total 236